We can shout all we like about how efficient, sustainable and cyber-secure our business is. But why should you believe us? Customers deserve an independent assurance before they entrust us with their IT assets and confidential data.
That’s why we take accreditations so seriously. We invest huge time and resources in having our processes and systems vetted, and making sure they meet the required standards – and some!
As a business which strives to ensure our profits do not come at a cost to the environment, we pride ourselves on being serious players in the circular economy: our bottom line has to include considerations of sustainability. At the same time, we must deliver the best quality to our customers, guarantee the highest levels of IT security and exceed industry best practice.
Taking a lead on sustainability can win plaudits from many quarters. Our local MP, David Rutley, has recognised our efforts as a sustainable IT business.
“I’ve actively followed ICP Networks’ well-thought-out business model of IT lifecycle- management and IT hardware refurbishment,” he said. “They’re a great example of how businesses can be successful while embracing sustainability, which ICP Networks do so well.“
But it’s the accreditations that really count in our efforts to demonstrate our professionalism in a transparent manner. The independent accreditation bodies set high standards that must be achieved if a business is going to get the accreditation. There’s no escaping their scrutiny.
Here’s a quick rundown of what we’ve done to guarantee customer satisfaction in our products and services, and show our commitment to the protection of the environment and the security of our customers’ data.

Quality management – ISO 9001. We’re leading the way.
There’s no substitute for quality. ISO 9001:2015 is all about that.
The standard’s seven principles are a benchmark we can test our commitment to quality against. They mean we can always improve quality and be sure our products and services consistently meet our customers’ requirements.
It’s normal to reapply for certification every three years. We’ve been certified to the newest standards (2015). Most companies haven’t had an opportunity to do this yet, and we’re proud to be among the first in our industry to earn this accreditation.
Environment – ISO 14001. Planet before profits.
It’s all very well performing to make a profit – that’s what businesses do. But we believe delivering a return on investment should follow exceptional sustainability practices – not the other way round.
Our IS0 14001:2015 Environmental Standard accreditation shows we’re not just talking the eco-talk. We’ve implemented an environmental management system that complies with multiple environmental requirements, and shows our commitment to enhancing our environmental performance.
What does this mean in practice? It means ensuring our business is truly immersed in the circular economy, not just looking in from the fringes. We work hard to extend the lifecycle of our clients’ networks and to reuse/redeploy equipment. IT lifecycle and IT asset management are key principles for our business, which has a positive impact not just on delivering sustainability, but also on GDPR compliance, IT security and more.
IT security – Cyber Essentials. Keeping clients’ data safe from attack.
In this day and age, cybersecurity is at the top of most companies’ worry list.
For an IT business like ours, it’s even more important than that. We’ve got not just our cybersecurity systems and data to worry about, but our clients’ too.
So IT security, custody chains and compliance are a part of our daily routine. It’s important to us that our clients and partners appreciate that we live and breathe cybersecurity, for ourselves and for them.
The Cyber Essentials certification is an official, external assurance that we’re constantly working to secure our IT and our clients’ data against cyber attack. The certification body is satisfied that our systems are secure and meet the standards they’ve set. No worries.
Data destruction – BS 15713. Gone for good – no surprises.
It’s not always possible to refurbish every piece of equipment from our clients. Ideally, that’s what we aim to do – it’s the sustainable option. But there are often quality, lifecycle or security reasons preventing it.
So, if we’re not able to recover value for our clients within our IT Asset Management and IT Equipment Disposal programs, it’s vital we’re able to reassure them that their hardware and data are securely destroyed.
Our BS EN 15713:2009 certification for the secure destruction of confidential material completes the sustainability and IT security circle. The standard provides a framework of key conditions we have to adhere when destroying confidential information on behalf of our customers, security of the information being the essential part.
Our clients value this cradle-to-grave accreditation and know their hardware and data is verifiably secure, for their compliance systems, their peace of mind, and the knowledge that their practices are the most sustainable in the industry when they work with us.
Discover more about our commitment to quality, sustainability and security.

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