The Cisco 1941 Series ISR, and the CISCO1941W-E/K9 are highly modular platforms with multiple module slots to provide connectivity and services for varied branch network requirements.

If you are unfamiliar with the Cisco 1941 ISR series, the 1941 builds on the best-in-class offering of the existing Cisco 1841 Integrated Services Routers by offering 2 models-Cisco 1941 and Cisco 1941W. In addition to the support of a wide range of wireless and wired connectivity options supported on Cisco 1941 Series. The new Cisco 1941W with IEEE 802.11n integrated access point support both unified and autonomous deployments.
There are various Enhanced High Speed WAN Interface Card or “EHWIC”, I remember when it was simply WIC 🙂 They of course add to the features of the 1941 by their modularity, and expand the options of the router by adding specifically what is required.
IF you would like a quote on any CISCO1941W-E/K9 or indeed have a surplus you may like to dispose of kindly fill in the form on this link in this sentance to the Cisco1941.
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