Whoa. There is no need for that language! Oh, I see, you mean. Ah, yes 🙂
What a Silly Cow. Hey look, we have all been there right, you’re minding your own business in the field, and BLAM you got your head stuck in a ladder. It could be worse. Try getting your head stuck in an oven, or better yet, try not to! Or try putting your head in lion/tigers mouth. Exactly. The embarASSment of walking around with a ladder on your head pales in to insignificance doesn’t it.
Anyway, most of us know the feeling. Not so much with a ladder around our neck, but stock problems around our neck.
Try delivering a Cisco Switch project and being short three Cisco Blades for the data centre. Happy Days 🙁 no sir. Popularity stock falls rapidly. It’s good to have a helping hand, if a WS-SVC-WISM-1-K9, RSP720-3CXL-10GE , or a WS-SVC-FWM-1-K9 needed call in the cavalry. Not the cows.
For the Cows, spec savers is a strong option and should be encouraged.
Don’t milk it and keep smiling,
The team @ ICPNetworks.co.uk