
ICP in the Environment

ICP Networks place the environment - and the effects of the IT industry on it - at the top of their agenda, alongside their commitment to providing top quality products and the very best customer service.

Unlike many business ICP Networks have been proud to back their environmental beliefs with action rather than simply commit words to paper - or company policy.

ICP Networks designed and built a £1 million world headquarters in South Manchester in 2012 - a building immediately dubbed the 'Greenest IT HQ in Britain' because of it's innovative design and installations.

The 16,500 sq foot facility boats the a 50kWp solar PV system, the largest installation in the North West, energy efficient lights and heaters equipped with motion sensors, minimum 100mm Kingdiv insulation, a heat recovery system, Planitherm Argon Super Thermal glass and ceiling tiles made of bio-soluable mineral wool, perlites and clay.

Nothing has been left to chance and the results already have proved the effort was worthwhile - with the Lexicon House produced more than THREE TIMES the amount of energy required in it's first year.

ICP Networks have considered their impact on the environment long before the move to the new headquarters.

They use recycled packaging, bio-degradable materials, waste is reduced to an absolute minimum and have proudly been awarded the prestigious ISO 9001 and ISO 14001: 2004 certification.

Instant water storage is provided via ICP Network's own electricity and there is no wasteful hot water storage.

ICP Networks MD Matt Archer even mountain bikes to the office….how eco friendly is that!


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